How to create amazing landing pages that converts traffic

Everyone makes mistakes and today, we made a mistake of our own so I decided to share that with everyone in order to help you not make the same mistakes. We are going to discuss a step-by-step guide on how to create amazing landing pages that actually convert traffic and add value to your business

Hamed Mazrouei

Utiliko: CEO & founder
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Everyone makes mistakes and today, we made a mistake of our own so I decided to share that with everyone in order to help you not make the same mistakes. We are going to discuss a step-by-step guide on how to create amazing landing pages that actually convert traffic and adds value to your business.

We created a landing page but because we did not have a well-defined and written process of how to create a landing page, we completely screwed up the landing page. It had the wrong Call To Action (CTA), it did not provide any information about the problem we were solving, no information on why we are better, and a complete mess. Use this guide to never make such elementary mistakes in your company and lose money by spending advertising and PPC budget on poorly designed landing pages.

Some of this content may be common sense but no one is following it and some are new that you have never thought about or realized because you are so knowledgeable about your industry and assume others are at your level. Never make the mistake of thinking that your customers know your products and services as well as you do.

The process ensures that you repeat your success stories and not the mistakes

People, Products, and Process as Marcus Lemonis say every time he reviews a company. You must consider the same thing when you are doing your work. Without a process, you are guaranteed to make mistakes and some of those mistakes will cost you more than you can afford. For example, when buying a company, if you do not have a process for due diligence, you may buy a company that is a total loss, in a landing page, you may create a landing page that costs you PPC money!

The second reason you must have processes is to form habits and ensure that everyone in your team does the same task the exact same way. You are never going to be able to run your marketing department and your support department and your sales department and your accounting department and… You will have to learn how to delegate tasks and put trustworthy people in key positions to help you run your company. Processes make it explicit that “things” will be done the way you have shown them to be successful.

Even though the subject of this blog is not about the importance of processes, it is never-the-less extremely important to cover this topic. Let’s move on to identifying the pain.

What is the pain point you are solving?

As Simon Sinek says, always start with WHY? Now the question is WHY are you creating a landing page?

  • Step 1 is to write down the reason that you are trying to create the landing page, and write everything that comes to your mind, it does no matter how silly. Once you have all of the reasons, you have to start the filtration process, review the notes, and remove everything that has to do with you and your company. For example, we have the best product or we have the best customer service and etc. Everyone says that no one will ever say, we want you to buy our Business Management Platform because it is the worst in the market because it is the most inefficient. So stop being like others and make claims that when it is read, the end-user will be left thinking, that is great for you, what is in it for me?
  • Step 2 is to establish trust and identify the true reasons that relate to the customer, those are the pain points. The most important part of your landing page, relates to the need of the customer by understanding their pain. You must first be related to the user or reader before you can establish a rapport and try to sell them something. In this step, you are essentially saying, I understand your pain and I can relate to it.
  • Step 3 is to finalize your list of pain points and narrow it down to four or five points that are most important. There may be many pain points but there are always four or five that are the most painful and would trigger the user to make a change.

What is your claim? Why are you a better option?

This is the time that you differentiate yourself from your competitors to prove to the reader that you are better than them.

What is the gain for the customer?

The next important point that you must clearly address is the gain for the customer. What is in it for the customer? Here is where you get to demonstrate your solution and show the customer that what you are doing is their best option to solving their pain. Remember to never use terminology or anything that is related to YOU or your company. Do not use words like, we are the biggest firm, we have the best product, we have the best customer service, these are useless claims. You must actually show tangible gains, we have compiled a list of those here to help you get started.

  • Notice that we are making a claim and showing HOW along with the claim.
  • Increase sales & profits through effective and individualized marketing based on customer’s shopping behavior
  • Never lose internet or phone service with our 100% uptime guarantee
  • Increase efficiency and transparency by combining all essential business services into one platform to eliminate gaps in communication

What is your Call To Action? What do you want the user to do?

This is an important part of any landing page, you want to have a single call to action. Do not overcomplicate the decision by introducing multiple CTAs, links to too many external pages, or anything that takes the attention away from the main CTA. If the user clicks on another page, then they are moving away from the landing page and that can drastically reduce the conversation rate. Too many choices or irrelevant options can cause hesitation, confusion, or worse – abandonment. Reducing the thinking required to take the next action increases the likelihood of the desired behavior occurring unconsciously.

Define your CTA early on, what do you want the user to do? Fill out a form to contact you. Subscribe to your blog. Buy the product NOW? Sign up for a free trial NOW. Notice that all of these are effective calls to action. Make sure your CTA is clear and you make it stand out by using a contrasting color, bold, font size, and font family in order to get it noticed.

Grow your service-based business quickly with amazing landing pages.

Frequently Asked Questions? Answer them upfront

Do not leave the user wanting to know more, address all the concerns on the landing page, which includes digging into your existing clients and finding out the commonly asked question, and providing answers to those right up front. If the user is not convinced, they will not complete your CTA. The last thing you want is the user asking themselves “Can I keep my phone number if I transfer service to you? Will I have any outages during the transition?” These are valid questions that must be answered so that the user is confident enough in order to make a decision now, not a week later.

Social Proof and Herd Mentality

This is another powerful way to push those over the fence to join, buy, and subscribe. Add reviews from Google, put testimonials, and demonstrate that others who have bought this have been happy, and because they were happy, you will be too. This social proof or herd mentality is true for all humans, rarely does anyone want to be the only person doing something. Use this to your advantage and push them over the fence by showcasing the success of other happy clients.

About Utiliko Business Management Platform

Utiliko is a complete business management platform built by a small business owner in order to help solve our own problems. After realizing that our problems are not unique, we made Utiliko into a company and start sharing our success stories and more importantly failures with others.

Utiliko has a built-in CRM for lead and opportunity tracking, Client Management, an accounting system with built-in recurring invoices and payment integration, project management, a support ticketing system, automation, and all essential services to get the most out of your business by increasing efficiency and minimizing loss of communication.

The content of this blog has been derived from many different sources, each a subject matter expert in their own field. We highly recommend that you review these two powerful resources and implement them in your business.

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